We are glowing that you wish to partner with us. Your organization can join our Business 5K Club through specific sponsorship levels or with a one-time financial gift. Choose from five levels of contribution to help us secure high-dollar resources such as technology for our GEMS. If you would like more information about specific sponsorship opportunities, please send an email to saki@thegemscamp.org or call (972)861-0GEM.

 As a partner, you will receive an annual giving statement at the end of the year. Thanks in advance for believing in our mission to build confidence in urban teen girls through our 5 Karat Gems so that they will be prepared for STEM studies and careers.

Tungsten (up to $1,000)
Titanium ($1,000 – $4,999)
Silver (S5,000 – $9,999)
Gold ($10,000 – $24,999)
Platinum ($25,000+)